Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Akali Surjan Singh JI Shaheed

It has been a long time I have not posted anything yet. Now, I will tell you about the bravery of Akali Surjan Singh Ji. Akali Ji’s name is almost forgotten in our Sikh Panth. Very less is known about his life. Here I will show you an excerpt from his life.

He was in the Akali army during the period of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh Ji. He used to fight valiantly in the battles. He was well known for his bravery and strength in Afgans. A number of marks could be seen over his body and face depicting his bravery shown in the battles.

Once upon a time, he went to Attock river area, near the Afganistan, with Maharaja Ranjeet Singh Ji. In the very early morning he woke up. After taking bath at river, he went to a lonely place and then started doing his Nitnem.

On the other side, three Pathans were rushing towards him. They were about to kill him but suddenly stopped when they saw his glorious face. They saw his number of weapons and got afraid. Then these Pathans decided to kill him at once as a new lot of weapons will come into their hands. And they will also get rid of their forceful enemy as they now recognized Akali Ji. One of them attacked with a forceful blow of his spear. This spear hit Akali Ji’s forehead. Blood began flowing from his forehead. By that time Akali Ji had seen them. Akali Ji quickly got the spear out of that Pathan’s hands and threw it away. Then he drew his sword. Like a lightening, he quickly slaughtered two Pathans. The third one was behind him and was about to run for protection. Akali Ji was also about to target him but he fell to the feet of Akali Ji and begged,” Please leave me. I am not a man. I am a woman. I dressed up into a man and came with my husband and brother to kill you. Please, have some mercy over me.” Akali Ji stopped at the same time and sheathed his sword. He spared that woman and let her go.

Then he saw there were precious jewelry, money, gold, valuable clothes and other costly material in the surrounding places. He took all that stuff with him and paid it in the service of Maharaja Sahib. Maharaja Sahib first ordered his doctor to do something for Akali Ji’s injury. Then he went to that place. He saw two dead bodies lying there. He was highly pleased by the courage shown by Akali Ji. Later, it came to be known that those were actually robbers. They used to rob the people covert all their wealth at that area.

Akali Surjan Singh Ji was martyred after Maharaja Ranjeet Singh Ji’s death in Lahore.


  1. Hey,

    I didn't knew you were in the League of Blogging.
    Your posts would serve me for my some of the documentries!!!

    Happy Blogging!!!

    Thanx for your comment. What type of documentries are you talking about?? Tell me about them.

    Thanx again for your appreciation!!
